Introducing Olivia Harden: CLI's Social Media and Digital Marketing Expert

We are pleased to introduce Olivia Harden, who has recently joined our team to take over social media and digital marketing! You can find more of her work here!

My name is Olivia Harden, and I consider myself an activist and organizer. I graduated from Chapman University, receiving my B. A. in English with an emphasis in journalism and a minor in sociology. I am a journalist and storyteller, and I see writing as my way of connecting with others and the world.

I found a position with the Congo Leadership Initiative intriguing once I read the description of the role online. Over the last four years, I have worked in the Cross-Cultural on campus, which focused on creating programs to support efforts of diversity and inclusion. I’ve written countless articles on social change, I’ve organized protests against different injustices during my years and college, but when it comes down to it, I could be a better global citizen.

One of the symptoms of activism efforts on a college campus is feeling powerless. I tried to find tangible ways to get to the root of the problem, but this was not always successful. I’m excited to work with CLI because they have taken significant issues in the Congo and created a real solution to support the Congolese people. I like that the Congolese feel empowered after working with CLI.

I don’t know much about the Congo yet, but I have a feeling I will be learning a lot more about the country soon! I’m excited to combine my passion and some of my skills while working for a nonprofit with a mission that I believe in.

Nathaniel Houghton